Superfood Spotlight #1: Cauliflower!

Today is day #1 of my spotlight on superfoods!! 

Each week I’ll be profiling one power-packed food (or category of foods) that I encourage everyone to give a go this year- and why! I’ll also tell you how to incorporate it into your diet :) 

Today we’re chatting all about the floret & fabulous CAULIFLOWER. 

But first…we all hear about superfoods, exactly what IS a superfood!? 

Superfood: A nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.

In my opinion, I eat and recommend my clients eat a diet filled with superfoods simply by focusing on real food! Real food by nature (because these are the foods that come from nature of course!) contain nutrients, vitamins and minerals and all the co-factors we need for optimal health and wellness. 

When we focus on real food and WHAT we eat over how MUCH- we’re feeding our bodies (minds & souls) with the highest quality of nutrition! Processed foods and diets focused on calories and points simply can’t compete with real food. 

What is real food?

High-quality animal protein, healthy fats, and nutrient dense carbs (both the fiber-filled & starchy).

These foods are simple, filling and jam-packed with all the nutrients that benefit our immunity, digestion, skin, weight, energy, mental health and MORE.

Sustainably raised animal proteins- contain high levels of B vitamins (especially B12 which is VITAL for energy levels).

Healthy fats- contain absolutely neccessary anti-inflammatory omega 3’s.

& Healthy carbohydrates- provide us with tons of vitamins and minerals and essential pre & pro-biotic fiber. 

But of course there are some real foods I think are especially nutritious and important for everyone to include in their diets.

Here is superfood #1 & the way to include it in your diet!!

Superfood #1- CAULIFLOWER!!

Don’t be fooled by the association that color ALWAYS equals more nutrients because in this case, this white veggie is still power-packed.

Cauliflower is very, very high in Vitamin C believe it or not. 

Vitamin C is great for our immunity, skin health and especially important to combat stress. Stress depletes our Vitamin C levels so load up on cauliflower if you’re feeling stressed (either positively or negatively!)

It is also a good source of Vitamin B6 and magnesium (the “zen” mineral).

Another great benefit of cauliflower is that is it a sulfur-rich cruciferous veggie.

Cruciferous veggies are great for detoxing the liver- something almost all of us can benefit from! 

Another reason cauliflower is so awesome, is that it can be a grain/rice substitute! I’m sure you’ve seen “cauliflower rice” at your local grocery store- it’s popping up everywhere and it’s awesome. It’s pre-pulsed into grain-size bits either fresh & bagged or frozen. (You can also make it yourself in a food processor). 

Sautèe it up and add some fun spices (like turmeric, cinnamon, curry, paprika) and a great healthy fat like grass-fed butter or coconut some flavor like coconut aminos (a super-flavorful soy sauce alternative) and you’ve got yourself a naturally gluten & grain-free nutrient-rich dish!!

Cauliflower is also a great potato substitute. In fact I have a super simple recipe for a cauliflower mash on my site. Get the recipe! 

If you have a powerful blender you can also blend your cauliflower into smoothies or smoothie bowls, or add it to gluten free oats to pump up the nutrition and fiber!

I’m particularly loving it in my smoothies lately because it can thicken that baby up without a bunch of fruit! Hello, low carb and low sugar…score!

The possibilities are kind of endless with this versatile white veggie.

Tell me are you going to give superfood #1 a go!? And how!! Comment below!